furnace maintenance in NJ
Dec 2019, HVAC Maintenance

‘4’ Handy Tips For Furnace Maintenance To Help It Survive This Winter Season

The Holiday Season definitely is the most wonderful time of the year. How can we forget the first snow of the season, huddled in warm, cozy blankets in front of the fireplace with a warm cup of cocoa and cookies?

With many pros of the winter season, there comes a few cons as well. Some of these are unbearable—like the much-needed furnace in your home breaking down at the peak of the snowy season!

To ensure that your furnace does not leave your side at the peak of the winter season, here are a few tips to follow.

Change The Furnace Filter

The main task of the furnace filter is to filter out dust, allergens, debris, etc. from the air that is pumped into the duct system from getting inside your home.

Over time, this filter gets clogged because of all the debris. This can cost you a hefty price in case it overheats the system from the reduced airflow and increased stress on the system. Moreover, your utility bills will shoot up as well because your furnace will require more energy to do its job.

Therefore, it is better to replace your furnace filter twice a year to ensure the system works efficiently. Getting a filter change from a professional will be less costly than calling them over after a major breakdown.

Install Carbon Monoxide Detector

This tip is solely for the health and wellbeing of your family.

Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless gas that is released in air due to the incorrect burning of fuel. While this gas goes unnoticed easily, its presence can cause nausea, headache and shortness of breath. Moreover, at extreme values, this gas can be lethal.

Therefore, it is necessary that you install a carbon monoxide detector in your furnace. Moreover, if you already have the detector, replace its batteries and keep a backup power source so that you’re covered for the rest of winter.

Doing A Visual Inspection Of Your Furnace

For this tip, wait for a warmer day, turn the thermostat down and flip off the circuit breaker. Wait for the furnace to cool down and then do a visual inspection of it.

If you observe any residue or black soot near the furnace, it means it needs professional tuning. Next, with the help of a vacuum or broom, clean up the debris near the furnace.

After this, turn on the circuit breaker and the thermostat up to see the light of the pilot light flame. It should be a clear blue flame. If you see a yellow flame, it points to a combustion issue that you should ask a professional to check into.

These are our top tips to ensure your furnace keeps working like a pro during the cold months. For filter replacement, furnace maintenance in NJ as well as affordable furnace installation in PA, get in touch with AAC Heating and Cooling and we’ll take care of the rest!

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